Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for You?

Reverse mortgages offer distinct advantages, particularly for older homeowners seeking to enhance their financial flexibility. First and foremost, they provide a steady stream of income or a lump sum by allowing homeowners to tap into their home's equity without the need to sell the property. This can significantly aid in covering living expenses, medical bills, or home improvements during retirement.

Why a Reverse Mortgage?

A reverse mortgage loan is a financial arrangement designed for homeowners, typically elderly individuals, where they can convert a portion of their home’s equity into tax-free cash, without the need to sell the property or make monthly mortgage payments; instead, the loan is repaid when the homeowner sells the home, moves out, or passes away.

Moreover, the obligation to repay the loan is deferred until the homeowner moves out, sells the home, or passes away, offering peace of mind without immediate financial strain. Additionally, since the income received from a reverse mortgage is not considered taxable income, it can be a tax-efficient way to access the equity built up in the home.


A reverse mortgage is a loan for seniors age 62 and older. HECM reverse mortgage loans are insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and allow homeowners to convert their home equity into cash with no monthly mortgage payments.

We’re here to make the reverse mortgage process a whole lot easier, with tools and expertise that will help guide you along the way, starting with our quick Reverse Mortgage Qualifier.

We’ll help you clearly see the differences between reverse mortgage options, allowing you to choose the right one for you.

Other Loan Options

  • Fixed Rates
  • Jumbo & Super Jumbo Loans
  • FHA, VA, & USDA Loans
  • Down Payment Assistance
  • Renovation
  • Reverse

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